Journal of Transdisciplinary Computational Sciences

The journal publishes theoretical and applied, collaborative research that combines computer science and any other science.

Welcome Authors!

The Journal of Transdisciplinary Computational Sciences (JOTCOMPS) is an open access journal that publishes articles hilighting collaborative research, between computer scientists and researchers in other disciplines. For example, we are interested in fields such as bioinformatics, computational biology, healthcare analytics, machine learning in finance, virtual reality in sports, and many other creative combinations of computational sciences and other disciplines. We will not publish work that focuses on a single discipline alone. Our aim is to promote collaboration across a broad spectrum of theoretic and applied sciences..

In addition, for each issue, we will accept a limited number of manuscripts submitted by students, in an attempt to assist with transition into graduate or profesional research.

Occasionally, there will be special issues focusing on particular areas, which will be detailed in the “Call for Papers”.

ISSN: ISSN 2643-0290


Frequency: Quarterly

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Preparing for Submission

While there is a broad range of collaborative research across disciplines, this journal focuses explicitly on research that showcases how computer science, software engineering, or related fields, aid research in other fields such as life sciences, education, business, and others. The manuscript must clearly describe:

  1. The transdisciplinary nature of the research
  2. The collaborative use of methods, tools, and technologies
  3. The impact of findings and outcomes in two or more disciplines


  1. Title
  2. Authors and their affiliations
  3. Abstract
  4. Keywords
  5. Main text, including images and graphs
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. References
  8. Supporting information if any


  1. State briefly and clearly the main objectives and results/conclusions of the work
  2. Review the research/technology and future prospects briefly.
  3. Length should be within 150-200 words.

Reference Style Use APA style

Author Biography

  1. Limit to 150 words (all authors)
  2. Include educational background and research fields

Ethical Guidelines

  1. Your manuscript is not published elsewhere
  2. Disclose any conflicts of interest
  3. Ensure appropriate acknowledgements made in the manuscript
  4. Include apropriate funding statements
  5. Ensure accurate and complete reporting of research
  6. Inform the journal if you subsequently find errors in your research

Submission Guidelines

  1. All articles should be submitted via the Scholastica website
  2. Only original work will be accepted
  3. Articles will be reviewed by a panel of international, academic reviewers, in a double-blind modality
  4. Upon review, the authors will be informed whether the paper has been accepted, accepted pending additional edits, or rejected.
  5. Publication Fees: 10 USD to cover hosting and content management services
  6. Article length should not exceed 20 pages
  7. File format: Microsoft Word or PDF.

Submission site: